Victims of some car crashes may have multiple visual problems, such as blurred vision. This can still occur even if there does not appear to have been any physical harm done to your eyes during the collision.
The Las Vegas car accident attorney discusses the common causes and symptoms of eyesight issues after a collision below. They will help you file a claim for damages, including eye care.
What should you know about vision issues after a car crash?
Accident-related issues can be directly related to vision issues, such as when you cut your eyelid on anything or get pieces of crash debris stuck in your cornea. But other vision problems, such as blurriness, could be related to more severe damage suffered in a car accident.
Face Trauma
After an accident, blurred vision can arise from facial injuries, eye socket fractures, or facial nerve injuries.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
According to reports, car accidents cause around 17% of all TBIs worldwide. TBIs, such as concussions, can occur even in situations when the person does not smash their head on something hard.
A common injury from car crashes is whiplash, which damages the victim’s tendons, muscles, and other connective tissue in the neck and shoulders. Whiplash is a strong motion that may also move or injure vertebrae or discs in the spine, which may result in double or obscure vision in people.
Removal of the Retinal Membrane
This damage to the eye occurs when the retina becomes detached from its original place by the supporting tissue. The retina stops getting the oxygen and nutrients it needs when it splits. Victims of this excruciating damage will require emergency laser surgery to be able to have the retina restored. If treatment is not received, the eyesight loss is unlikely to get better.
Why getting medical attention immediately is essential for vision problems?
After an accident, some victims of car crashes may believe that their visual issues will go away on their own in a few days or weeks. On the other hand, delaying getting medical attention may cause permanent visual loss or severe injuries.
Crash victims could get a diagnosis more quickly by visiting a doctor or eye specialist. Early identification allows accident victims to receive the necessary medical care, including surgery and medication, sooner.
After a car accident, can you receive compensation for eye injuries?
After a car accident, compensation for injuries sustained is not guaranteed since there are a lot of factors that could impact your eligibility. Even in cases when you have the right to damages, the total quantity of money you may be able to get back depends upon how severe and complex your injuries and damage were.