Any successful marketer or entrepreneur will tell you for sure that one old client is better than two new ones. Therefore, an important task in your business is to retain existing customers and establish longer-term relationships with them. The main factor that can retain your clients is a loyal attitude toward them. This is expressed both in the development of loyalty programs and in an individual approach. Success depends on the competence and professionalism of your employees working directly with customers.
How does a virtual PBX help in this matter?
Firstly, the virtual PBX database stores all the necessary information about calls: the frequency and duration of calls and the preferred time of the call. That is why you will be able to compile complete statistics for each client by choosing a virtual Canada phone number from Freezvon Company. Secondly, you can assign specific clients to each manager and let them cooperate only with them.
Call forwarding, call interception, and caller ID help you to set up such a scheme of work. Even when your employee has left the office, he/she will still be able to receive a call on his/her mobile. Found a missed call? Just call back, addressing the client by name and offering your help. Moreover, a new client will not go unnoticed. The system will recognize the number that calls your company for the first time, remember who the subscriber was talking to, and subsequently connect him/her with this manager.
What does the business owner get?
- Virtual Canada phone numbers together with PBX functions allow the worker not to be tied to a specific address. It’s easy to move and merge offices while maintaining a single multichannel number.
- External control of automatic telephone exchange. There is no need to involve specially trained specialists.
- You do not have the cost of equipping a workplace and the salary of a secretary.
- Call statistics will allow you to analyze sales and advertising campaigns. You will find out the quantity of incoming calls you received as a result of a particular promotion.
- Traffic monitoring. It’s easy to track communication costs online.
- Calls between employees are free.
- There’s an ability to integrate with CRM. You can receive information on calls at any time, process this information, and save it in your database or CRM.
The Freezvon personal account is adapted for logging in from a tablet or mobile phone in such a way that it is as convenient and comfortable for you as possible. Just visit the website from a mobile browser and enter your username and password (everything is as usual). Track the work of your employees and optimize your business based on the data received.
What else can you get?
You can also set call forwarding to your mobile phone and receive the most important calls yourself due to the fact that many numbers can be connected to a virtual gjcollegebihta PBX. This means that a call coming to the direct landline number specified in the company’s contacts will be redirected to the company’s owner or the responsible person. Thus, you can reduce the number of missed calls to a minimum or completely eliminate the possibility of such calls.
By the way, you can increase the conversion of the site due to a Callback widget. It is a pop-up window on the site. The convenience of this solution is that the client does not have to wait in line at all if all your operators are busy. A person leaves a request with his/her number, you see it in your system, and call back. Everything is simple!
You can order a toll-free number. A client understands that such a call will be free for him/her. This means that he/she will more willingly dial your number to get the desired information or service. This remains especially relevant for subscribers making calls only from a smartphone. Moreover, people will think that you are a large company since you can afford to pay for all incoming calls.
Virtual telephony transmits data without distorting the voice of the interlocutor. Audibility is the same as if you were in the next room. Moreover, you also do not have to worry about the quality of communication and loss of connection when making long-distance and international calls. A virtual PBX in your smartphone is a practical way to control a company’s business via the Internet, give timely advice to staff, and be sure that things are going like clockwork even in your absence!