Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Hoshi o Yobu Shoujo is a 2021 anime film based on the light novel series Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei by Tsutomu Sato. The movie was produced by 8bit studio and directed by Risako Yoshida. It was released in Japan on February 26, 2021.
The story of Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Hoshi o Yobu Shoujo takes place after the events of the TV anime series. The main protagonist, Tatsuya Shiba, is a powerful magician who attends First High School with his friends and sister Miyuki. In the movie, they meet a girl named Angelina Kudou Shields, who is seeking their help to uncover a conspiracy involving a new magical technology that could threaten the world’s balance of power.
As with the TV series, the movie features a unique magic system that blends science and fantasy. Magicians use CADs or Casting Assistant Devices, which are essentially computers, to perform magic spells. The story explores the themes of politics, power, and discrimination in a world where magicians have become an integral part of society.
One of the highlights of Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Hoshi o Yobu Shoujo is its stunning animation. The fight scenes are especially intense and well-choreographed, showcasing the characters’ magical abilities to the fullest. The soundtrack also elevates the emotional impact of the story, with composer Taku Iwasaki returning to produce the film’s score. maru gujarat
For fans of the Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei franchise, the movie offers a satisfying continuation of the story. However, newcomers may find it challenging to follow the plot, as it assumes familiarityfilm indir mobil with the TV series and the light novels. Additionally, some fans have criticized the movie for its pacing and lack of character development.
In conclusion, Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Hoshi o Yobu Shoujo is an entertaining anime film that expands upon the world and characters of the TV series. Its stunning animation and intense fight scenes make it a must-watch for fans of action anime. However, its complex plot may be difficult to follow for those unfamiliar with the franchise.